The importance of a correct postoperative period after the hair transplant influences the results of the transplant.
The main objective of the hair transplant is to guarantee a good result, giving the patient back the self-esteem he/she may have lost by providing a definitive solution to alopecia.
The patient must carefully follow the recommendations and guidelines indicated by the hair clinic. The clinic provides the patient with a postoperative care guide that must be respected and followed in detail.
It is recommended to rest for three days and sleep on your back to prevent the swelling from going down to the face. This is due to the isotonic sodium chloride injected to anesthetize the scalp.
Extreme care must be taken with the implanted follicles, the patient should not rest the lower part of the head on the pillow or cushion after the hair transplant while sleeping.
The evolution of the hair transplant begins on day 1, when the operation is completed and the postoperative period begins. At Clínica de Freitas we have created the following calendar of hair transplant evolution stages
First and second day after hair surgery. |
Recipient area: |
Apply saline every hour. A slight swelling may appear on the forehead or between the eyebrows due to the use of local anesthesia, which will last a maximum of 3 or 4 days. If you have a bad sleeping posture, it is possible that swelling may occur in the head and face, which is nothing to be alarmed about. This is due to the isotonic sodium chloride injected which causes the swelling. This swelling will last two to three days. In order to counteract the effects of the swelling it is recommended to drink plenty of water, soothe the area with cold, massage the forehead from the middle to the sides and sleep with the pillow horizontal, it can help minimize the swelling. |
Donor area: |
Slight discomfort only when pressing on the extraction area. Sensitivity begins to return and the "helmet" sensation produced by the local anesthesia on the day of surgery disappears. |
Seventh day |
Receiving area: |
Frontal swelling, if present, begins to disappear. Mild corking sensation (or decreased sensation) which may last 10-15 days depending on the number of units transplanted. The entire head begins to be shampooed, according to the doctor's instructions. The follicles feel hard, like a 4-day-old beard. Application of saline is no longer necessary (although it may continue to be used on demand). |
Donor area: |
Painless. Beginning of itching sensation due to healing of small wounds and shaving. Saline may be applied and/or a pain reliever may be taken to mitigate its presence. A slight discomfort may appear in the nape of the neck due to the use of local anesthesia in this area. To avoid this, it is EXTREMELY important to wash your head thoroughly after the 7th day. |
First and second week after hair grafting. |
Recipient area: |
Between the 8th and 12th day all the crusts and scabs disappear, leaving only a slight redness (which may persist from 20 days to 3 months) in addition to the hair corresponding to the transplanted units. Slight peeling of the skin may be observed during the first 30 days. |
Donor area: |
Small wounds have healed completely. The hair has grown sufficiently to make it difficult to realize that surgery has been performed. |
Second week |
Recipient area: |
Scalp clean of scabs and fuzz. Only slight redness is evident, if it still persists. |
Donor area: |
Forgotten area, without any marks and in the process of complete recovery. In the donor area, the appearance of pruritus (itching) caused by the healing procedure is normal. In case it occurs in a very intense form, you should contact us to put a suitable treatment, if appropriate. |
Second week to eighth week |
Recipient area: |
Phase in which the transplanted hairs may begin to fall out as they enter the telogen or resting phase (telogen effluvium) due to transplant shock. There may be a loss of about 70%, more or less depending on the individual. When hair is grafted between hairs, the native units can also suffer shock (shedding or shock loss) and go to rest. Our incidence is 5% and in case of occurrence the native area regenerates within 3-4 months. It is always a transitory complication. It is common for some of the new transplanted hair to fall out during the first 2 - 8 weeks after the procedure. |
Donor area: |
Continues to recover. Undetectable its passage through an operating room. |
From 2 to 4 months after the hair graft. |
Recipient area: |
Stationary stage of great expectation for the patient. In most cases the transplanted hair begins to emerge between 3.5 and 4.5 months. If there has been a small shedding or shock loss in the native hair, it also begins to grow. |
Donor area: |
In the 6th month the area is completely recovered. The area can now be evaluated in case a new intervention is required. |
From 4 to 8 months |
Recipient area: |
The transplanted hair begins to grow, first as a fine hair, a little tortuous and then it will take body, volume and normal texture. The vitamins prescribed for hair and nails ensure that there is no deficiency state. |
From 8 to 12 months |
Recipient area: |
The growth of the transplanted hair continues. We will already have approximately 70% of the final result in sight. |
Recipient area: |
The transplanted hair continues to grow (only approximately 20 to 25% remains so the change will not be as evident as between months 4 to 8) and thickening. If there has been a change of texture in the new hair, it usually recovers in these months. Final result at one year. |