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My medical appointment

My medical appointment with Dr. Rafael de Freitas Silva

The medical consultation is one of the most important points when carrying out a hair treatment or surgery.

In the medical consultation at our hair clinic in Valencia you will know whether or not you are suitable for a hair transplant.

During the hair study the doctor will evaluate the type of alopecia and how advanced it is.

During the consultation, cases similar to the patient's will be shown in order to assess the situation and the possible results of the hair transplant.

appointment with dr de freitas

It is important to refrain from commercial consultations, in which you will always be considered a good candidate. They are usually low-cost hair clinics that try to recruit patients with falsely guaranteed results at a very low cost. 

You can learn about the risks of a cheap hair transplant from these types of clinics.

consultation at Dr. de Freitas hair clinic

During the medical appointment with Dr. de Freitas each patient will have an individualized consultation where he/she will evaluate:

  • Medical history
  • Degree of baldness
  • Facial contour
  • Patient's expectations

Dr. Rafael will perform a hair trichoscopy in order to observe the follicular density, the state of the hair follicles, analyze the health of the scalp, the color, diameter and length of the hair.

After the hair study and the Doctor's assessment, the patient will have a realistic perception of how he/she will look in the future once the hair transplant has been performed.

Remember that the purpose of hair transplantation is to cover alopecic areas where there is no more hair. 

These areas will not respond to hair treatments since they are bald areas and in this case hair transplantation would be the most appropriate option, if the hair surgeon considers it correct.