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Implanters are surgical instruments used for the implantation of follicular units (hairs).

Incisions are made with implanters (surgical materials that make the incision while the follicular units are introduced).
In this phase, the doctor who implants the follicular units defines the depth, angulation (inclination) and direction of growth of the hairs when implanting each follicular unit.



Maximum density will be achieved after having transplanted a large number of follicles.

Implanters ensure the exact depth at which the hair bulb is to be left, avoid the trauma that occurs when trying to place them with pincers, provide the exact angle the hair is to have and, importantly, reduce the incision of the wound created when implanting the hair, thus producing better cicatrisation (which makes the implanted follicle undetectable). Implanters also produce a minimal degree of scab during the postoperative, less folliculitis and infections, which allows us to achieve higher density.


Types of implanters according to calibre and follicular units implanted

  • Follicular units of 1 hair–eyebrows: implanters with diameter of 0.6mm.
  • Follicular units of 1 hair–scalp: implanters with diameter of 0.8mm.
  • Follicular units of 2, 3 and 4 hairs: implanters with diameter of 1.0mm.

Follicular units are implanted one at a time in the bald area, respecting natural direction, inclination and density distribution patterns of the hair.

fue Hair Transplant Lion


    Reconstruction of the frontal line.
    Restoration of hair on the scalp.
    Repair of scars from previous procedures.
    Reconstruction of previous hair grafts.
    Reconstruction of eyebrows, beard and pubic area


    Minimal incisions due to the use of chamfered needles from 0.8 to 1 mm in diameter.
    The angle and direction of natural hair growth are controlled.
    The depth of the graft is controlled
    The distance between the implanted hair is controlled
    It contributes with a natural density because it allows proximity in implantation (we can implant up to 80 hair follicles per cm2).
    Minimal tissue damage
    Scars much faster than with other methods.
    Less inflammation and post-surgical scarring.
    Less follicular trauma, as there is less manipulation with maximum growth
    It allows a higher growth rate with faster results than in other techniques. In 8 months, 90% of new hair will have grown and will remain on the scalp forever.


    It takes a lot of training and skill on the part of the surgeon, nurses and assistants to handle it.
    High-value surgical instrument.
    This reduces the durability of the material.