At Clínica de Freitas we have developed a step-by-step roadmap of the hair transplant journey and experience at our hair clinic in Valencia, from the moment the patient walks through the door on the first day of the procedure until the entire process is completed.
We are specialists in the best method of hair transplant, known as the FUE hair transplant technique, due to the fact that it is minimally invasive, with a very short recovery time and excellent results.
The step-by-step process of a hair transplant consists of the following phases:
The patient is welcomed by the clinical staff and accompanied to his or her rest room. Later, the hair surgeon will explain all the details of the surgery procedure to the patient, who will be able to clarify any doubts at that very moment.
Eat a normal breakfast, do not eat a very indigestible breakfast (no fatty foods), coffee consumption is not recommended before a hair transplant (better to drink decaffeinated).
Photographs will be taken of the head in predetermined positions for the patient's surgical documentation process and to be able to analyse the postoperative result.
The photographs will help us to observe the evolution of the growth of the hair implant. (These sessions are carried out at 3, 6, 9 and 12 months).
Each patient will have a collection of photos with all the stages of their treatment.
These photos are taken by the medical staff, with a professional quality camera.
The design will be established in mutual agreement with the patient and within the parameters of normal, i.e. natural results.
The surgeon marks the donor and recipient area with a special marker pen as a guideline, limiting the donor area and the areas that will receive the hair grafts.
The recipient area is defined with the hair still at the usual length. The donor area can be partially or completely shaved.
Once the donor area (posterior and/or lateral part of the scalp) has been delimited, local anaesthesia is applied.
No peripheral line is needed and the whole procedure is performed entirely under local anaesthesia, which produces immediate numbness of the working area "the skin".
In 2 seconds there is total insensitivity, with no need to wait, so discomfort is minimal.
The extraction is performed using millimetric surgical instruments called "punch". This surgical instrument has sharp edges and the cylindrical range 0.75 to 0.90 mm in diameter, used the thickness according to the diameter of the hair of each patient.
After being cut with a punch, the follicular units are extracted from the scalp with special extremely delicate forceps.
A counter on the patient's left side counts the follicular units so that the patient is always aware of the progress of the surgery.
The follicles are placed according to the number of hairs they contain in containers prepared at a low temperature.
The follicular units extracted in a one-day session are about 1200 to 1500 follicular units according to the density of each patient, which corresponds to about 2500 to 3500 hairs that can vary from patient to patient, depending on the density of the donor area of each one.
At the end of the extraction a number of follicular units is obtained which, when multiplied by the number of hairs in each graft, will give us the exact number of transplanted hairs.
The donor area is the region that will donate the hairs that are transplanted to the recipient or bald area.
The extraction area we use is an area that does not have the genetic code for baldness, which is why the transplanted hairs do not tend to fall out.
After extraction, the follicular units are placed in a suitable storage solution to maintain the vitality of the follicles.
A specialised member of the medical team starts the preparation and sorting of the follicular units with a professional laboratory microscope and LED lights (LED lights help to maintain an appropriate temperature).
The preparation and preservation of the follicular units is the key to successful follicle survival and a high growth rate in hair transplantation.
Proper preservation of the follicular units is important to maintain a high survival rate during the time they are outside the body.
It is essential that they are kept hydrated and at an ideal temperature, in containers prepared at a low temperature throughout the procedure, until the moment of implantation.
In this phase of the procedure, the follicular units previously extracted are implanted and distributed.
The hair surgeon who implants the follicular units defines the depth, angulation (inclination) and direction of hair growth when implanting each follicular unit.
Hair transplantation takes on average 5 to 7 hours, divided into preparation, extraction, lunch and implantation.
Once the extraction process is complete, the patient will have a 30 minute break for lunch and rest in their private room.
The meals that are prepared are pre-ordered according to the patient's culinary preferences, and the patient will have whatever they have ordered the day before on their tray.
Once the whole process has been completed, our medical staff will explain to the patient all the doubts and steps to follow after the procedure.
At this point, the patient will receive a guide with all the instructions: post-operative care, washing and medication to be followed during the first week.
Clarification of the evolution phases of the hair implant:
This is a hair transplant procedure explained step by step and defined by Clínica de Freitas. A clinical procedure created to comply with the premises of quality, safety, guaranteeing health and results for the patient.