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Rearacion of scars

Hair surgery can help us to disguise, hide or camouflage a scar caused by physical, chemical or thermal trauma, which can leave us with anti-aesthetic scars. 

Correction of scars caused by hair surgery

At Clínica de Freitas we repair hair scars caused by neurosurgery or by other hair transplant techniques, such as the invasive technique of the STRIP - FUT strip.

  • For the transplant to be successful, it is necessary that the size of the scar is studied by the doctor. 
  • It is also necessary the sufficient blood supply of the area, since the scars have enough fibrotic vascular tissue that prevents the growth of hair implants. 

These and other factors are evaluated by the physician during the consultation to determine the viability of the hair transplant in the scar area.

Scars due to inflammatory and autoimmune diseases are not indicated for treatment by hair transplantation.

Is it possible to disguise a scar on the head?

Depending on where the scar is located, it can be camouflaged or not, since there are areas where this is not possible due to the lack of hair in most cases.

Scars on eyebrows, scalp can be covered with hair. Hair grafting is a solution to disguise scars. 


When can we camouflage scars with a transplant?

We can camouflage scars with a hair transplant in cases where the scar is located in the area of the hair, if the above mentioned is met it will be possible to disguise it with hair surgery in the affected area.

The factors mentioned above will be diagnosed by a hair specialist, once evaluated it is decided whether hair surgery in the area of the scar is feasible or not. 

Most of the time hair surgery performed on scars offers very good results. You can contact us and ask for an appointment, we will evaluate your case.