Here you can find cases of hair transplant, surgeries performed with the FUE hair grafting technique, each hair surgery has been performed by Dr. Rafael de Freitas in his hair grafting clinic in Spain.
When a patient goes to a hair graft clinic it is usually to achieve the following objectives:
Gain hair density
Recover or close the hair at the entrances
Regain bangs
To recover the hair on the crown of the head
Patients who seek to meet the above objectives are patients who may have some type of alopecia.
In men, alopecia can be:
In women female androgenic alopecia is the most frequent cause of hair loss as in men, female alopecia is measured on the Ludwig scale:
In the photos of hair grafts in our gallery you can see the results of the hair transplant in each patient, before and after.
In addition to the entire surgery process from the beginning to the final result. In each case we make a photographic follow-up of: