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Low level laser therapy

hair laser low frequency

What is low level laser therapy?

The low level laser therapy, also called low frequency laser is a non-invasive treatment, painless and without side effects, this treatment  for thining hair consists of applying a laser device in the depopulated or affected areas of the scalp.

Its use is mainly to treat alopecia or androgenetic alopecia in its early stages, a first non-invasive option to consider before resorting to surgery is the hair laser. 

Thanks to the laser we can promote blood flow and thus stimulate the production of new hair in the follicles, the cavities where hair grows.

How does the low level laser therapy work on the scalp?

The light emitted by the laser acts on the scalp tissues at low intensity, keeping the heat away from the scalp. Each session can last between 20 and 30 minutes.

The laser hair growth contributes to hair growth because it passes through the surface of the skin and stimulates blood circulation. This facilitates the supply of nutrients, blood and oxygen to the hair follicles. 

In addition to revitalizing the hair follicles, the hair laser removes toxins and possible blockages within the follicle.

It is important to note that this treatment does not regrow hair in bald areas, but only improves the quality of existing, miniaturized hair.    

What are the benefits of hair laser therapy?

Hair laser treatment is not only recommended when the patient suffers from some type of hair problem, but also after the hair implant operation, the hair laser or capillary laser (LLLT) can also be used as an adjuvant treatment, in addition to stimulating the transplanted hair and exerting its anti-inflammatory action.

The use of  hai growth treatment has many benefits that make it an effective hair therapy.

Treatment stimulate hair growth LLLT

Hair restoration can be applied on its own to improve the quality of existing hair. But it is even more recommended as a complement to improve the effect of other treatments or after a hair graft, as it has an anti-inflammatory action and stimulates the transplanted hair.

Visible results of low level laser therapy

Hair loss is reduced, hair density is increased.
The main results are seen in increased volume, improved texture and new hair growth.

Is the low level laser therapy? 

Yes, the results of thinning hair treatment depend on the characteristics of each patient, the type of hair and the degree of baldness, basically. 

In general, this technique shortens the postoperative period and also makes the process less painful and uncomfortable for the patient, since the laser allows cleaner and more precise incisions to be made. 

Hair laser treatment is always a timely solution when the symptoms and causes of alopecia are detected in time. In Freitas Clinic we perform a hair study to detect the origin of the problem and to recommend the most effective treatment for hair losscontact us, make an appointment.