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DPA (diffuse patterned alopecia)

What is diffuse alopecia DPA?

Diffuse alopecia with pattern (DPA) is a type of androgenetic alopecia with a defined fall pattern. This type of alopecia manifests diffuse thinning in the frontal part, superior and in the crown, but unlike the DUPA it presents a stable and permanent donor zone in the posterior and lateral zone.

In the process of capillary loss, all the affected areas are gradually miniaturized without going through the stages that usually happens to a person affected by Norwood androgenetic alopecia. Instead of stopping growing, new hairs grow thinner and brighter.

Who is affected?

There is no certain age to suffer from DPA and as it is caused by a male sex hormone it is more frequent in men than in women. In men it affects more than the DUPA. In women, it affects to a lesser extent because of their genetic code, they are less prone to the damaging effects of DHT on hair follicles.

What are the symptoms of DPA?

The hair undergoes a thinning similar to that of AGA hair loss. The most visible symptom is the continuous thinning of the hair in the upper and frontal areas.

What causes the DPA?

DPA is a type of androgenic alopecia, therefore, it is caused by an androgen (male sex hormone). In this case, dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which is metabolized with the enzyme 5 alpha-reductase.

DHT accumulates in the tissues of the scalp and negatively affects the hair follicles of people who are genetically sensitive to DHT. Not all people are, but if they are, DHT will prevent the hair follicle from receiving the necessary nutrients by interfering with the blood supply. The lack of blood causes the follicles to contract miniaturize.

How to treat DPA?

DPA can be controlled by taking medications such as Finasteride and Minoxidil.

Finasteride prevents 5-alpha reductase from metabolizing testosterone in DHT and Minoxidil thickens the hair and lengthens the anagen phase of the follicle.

People with APD respond well to hair transplantation because the donor area is not affected. Therefore, patients with APD are suitable candidates for the extraction and implantation of follicular units.